First, a bit of history...
For seven years, from 2010 to 2016, we owned several different RV's, visiting lakes first in 2010 and 2011 with our compact Lance truck camper , and then in 2012 with our Gulf Stream Bounty Hunter , a unique 40' Motor Coach, also shown at the right. This Class A Motorhome was also a motorized toyhauler, and featured a unique 12' garage bay in the back. This way we were able to carry the perfect companion vehicle for this venture... a little Chevy Geo Tracker , the only 4WD car made which could fit snugly inside the garage bay of the coach, so we could carry it with us while towing our sailboat. With 4WD low range, the little Tracker could pull the Catalina up any boat launch ramp with ease. By all accounts, a pretty neat arrangement!
After a year and a half of touring in the Country Coach, we just couldn't pass up a golden opportunity in March 2014 to trade up to my dream coach, a Tiffin Allegro Bus 43QRP with four slides, a spacious kingsize bedroom, larger kitchen, fridge, and bath, designed for full time RVing with a commensurate level of quality, comfort, convenience and luxury. And either I towed our Catalina sailboat with the bus, while Libby drove the SUV, or she could tow the boat. Either way, this gave us a more comfortable daily driver for local touring wherever we go, and one that could also comfortably tow the sailboat anywhere we wanted to go. And since most of the hops on our planned 2014, 15 & 16 itineraries were only a few hours apart, the issue of driving two vehicles was relatively small. We could also take non-boating side trips towing the right car.
In the fall of 2011 we took Windseeker I, the Bounty Hunter, on her initial shakedown cruise to Clear Lake, CA with sailboat in tow . In the spring of 2012 we continued our adventures, setting out to explore the great Pacific Northwest, starting with a month at Fernridge Reservoir in Oregon. From there we went on to Lake Coeur d'Alene in Idaho, Flathead Lake in Montana, and Lake Okanagan in B.C., before returning to Hayden Island Marina in Portland OR for the fall sailing season on the Columbia River. We spent about a month in each place, but always remained flexible, never knowing where the wind might blow us! Therein lies the real adventure.
In late 2014 we had our boat transported the 3500 miles to Florida while we headed across country in the Allegro Bus towing our car to winter at Lake Monroe , Florida near family. Flying home for occasional breaks, our 2015 itinerary took us up the east coast with stops in Savannah GA, Charleston & Lake Murray SC, and on to Lake George NY, and the St. Lawrence Seaway's Thousand Islands. Heading back down to Florida for another winter, we made stops in Long Island, NY, Philadelphia, Asheville, NC and more. Our 2016 itinerary took us back to the Thousand Islands for the summer, as well as Lake Simcoe and Georgian Bay in Ontario. With the aid of Active Captain's Interactive Cruising Guidebook, we traveled in our magnificent Allegro Bus along with Corey, our intrepid Westie for several years exploring other new lakes from coast to coast.
After concluding our extended USA Grand Tour in the splendid Tiffin Allegro Bus, we returned home at Thanksgiving 2016, sold the bus, and decided to spend a year at home enjoying spring and summer in the gorgeous Pacific Northwest. But in early 2018, the bug bit us once again, and we decided to buy a new Forest River motorhome... first a 2018 Sunseeker , then trading up to this slightly larger new 2019 Forester 3041DSF (right), with the idea of continuing our adventures to distant locales, national parks, and warm winter destinations with our Dodge Durango in tow. In January 2021 we sold the Forester, and in May we upgraded our rolling stock to the beautiful 34' Thor Miramar MotorCoach with the same gameplan in mind.

Previous Windseeker Motorhomes
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